Outdoor Jacuzzi Dimensions

While outdoor Jacuzzis may not need much by way of installation, it is still essential to know about the various sizes, heights, depth, and width of the Jacuzzi. A good understanding of the Outdoor Jacuzzi Dimensions will aid intending buyers to make the right decision when buying or installing their Jacuzzi.

The dimensions of the Jacuzzi vary, which means that there are differences in how manufacturers produce the Jacuzzis. Due to manufacturers\’ preferences, these tubs come in different shapes and slightly altered dimensions. Therefore, one needs to know enough about Outdoor Jacuzzi dimensions before purchasing.

Buying a Jacuzzi with the wrong size may significantly hamper the experience and result in a waste of money. This article will provide readers with the necessary information concerning what they need to know about Outdoor Jacuzzi Dimensions.

Outdoor Jacuzzi Dimensions

Jacuzzis do not have a standard dimension because of the wide range of products that manufacturers offer. However, there are Outdoor Jacuzzi Dimensions that fall into a size range. Jacuzzis generally fall into a range of 36-42inches.

Below are three ranges of Jacuzzi Tubs.

Small Size Jacuzzi Dimensions

Small Size Jacuzzis can take anywhere from 2-4 people. They come in different shapes but have similar dimensions. These Jacuzzis are perfect for couples or small families that wish to enjoy a close-knit soak. Manufacturers build their tubs in various forms and shapes, slightly altering the sizes. However, all small-sized Jacuzzis fall into the same range.

Small Size Jacuzzi Standard Range

Length> 5\’4 to 7 Feet.

Width> 5\’4 to 6 feet 8 inches.

Height> 29 to 35 inches.

Medium Size Jacuzzi Dimensions

A medium Size Jacuzzi is the most popular amongst Hot Tub lovers. Outdoor Jacuzzis usually come in medium-sized dimensions. Most people prefer the medium size range because they perfectly balance large and small sizes. These Jacuzzis can comfortably accommodate between 4-6 people. The dimensions

are as follows;

Length> 6\’6 to 7 feet 9 inches.

Width> 6\’4 to 7 feet 9 inches.

Height> 33 to 34.5 H.

Large Size Jacuzzi Dimensions

Large Size Jacuzzi is enormous. They can take 7 to 12 persons comfortably. These Jacuzzis are perfect for large gatherings, extended family hang-outs, office parties, and neighborhood meets.

Large Jacuzzis are at least five feet long and seven feet wide. They have a length of 9 feet, and their width is seven to nine feet, two inches. The height of these tubs is 36 to 38 inches.

How Much Space Do You Need For Your Jacuzzi?

Having enough space to place the Jacuzzi cannot be overemphasized. For an outdoor Jacuzzi, it is still essential to consider the factor of space. No matter the dimension of the Jacuzzi, it is vital to have inches of space around it to enable the user to flip or remove the Jacuzzi cover successfully.

There is no standard space requirement for an outdoor Jacuzzi. However, one should have at least 12 inches on all sides for convenience. There should be enough space for users to enter the Jacuzzi from all sides. It is important to note that outdoor jacuzzis usually come with a cover to keep the tub safe when not in use.

Jacuzzi covers are attached to the Jacuzzi, allowing them to be flipped backward or not attached at all. For an Outdoor Jacuzzi, the tub should not be placed near a wall so that the tub cover can be opened without interference with the wall. If there is limited space, one can choose a removable cover.

Most flip covers require about 18 inches of space behind the tub when flipped backward.

Indoor And Outdoor Jacuzzi: Understanding The Difference

Before beginning to shop for a Jacuzzi, it is essential to know the difference between outdoor jacuzzis and indoor ones. The following are a few aspects to consider when choosing between an outdoor Jacuzzi and an indoor Hot Tub.


To avoid mildew and mold growth, a Jacuzzi requires proper ventilation and air. Intending Tub owners that choose an Outdoor Hot tub will not have to worry about ventilation systems. However, an indoor Jacuzzi will need a ventilation system to help circulate moist and Hot air.


Indoor Jacuzzis offer a private soak for the owners. Outdoor Jacuzzi owners, however, have to consider where to place the tub. If not, they\’d lose all privacy when they soak. One can either build a shed for their tubs or put it behind a wall.


The amount of space in the home might be the deciding factor in choosing either an indoor Hot Tub or an Outdoor tub. The first step is determining whether the Hot Tub can fit into the front door. Then, the next step is to figure out just how much space is available indoors to accommodate the Tub. An Outdoor is easier to install because of the decreased hassle in finding space.


Outdoor Jacuzzis allow the owners to soak in whatever weather conditions they like. However, the constant exposure to harsh weather conditions outweighs any Outdoor-soak benefits. This means that the tub will quickly degrade due to wear and tear or rust and dirt.

Then again, an indoor Jacuzzi allows one to soak while it\’s raining without having to subject the tub to brazen conditions because the tub is indoors and protected from harsh weather conditions. Indoor tubs generally tend to last longer because of little to no wear and tear.

What Should My Jacuzzi Stand On?

A Jacuzzi usually weighs 500lbs to 1000lbs when empty. A small-sized Jacuzzi will likely weigh around 3000lbs when filled with water.  A medium-sized Jacuzzi can weigh around 4500lbs, while a larger one will weigh 5500lbs under the same conditions.

It is essential to consider where the Jacuzzi is placed before purchasing, especially for outdoor Jacuzzis. There should be a solid foundation for them to stand on. Regardless of its dimensions, it is advisable to have thick concrete slabs or gravel that acts as a deck.

However, placing outdoor tubs on gravel is better because they drain water quickly and do not create a mess when water spills from the tub. Concrete slabs are vulnerable to cracking over time as water sips into the cement.

Also, Hot Tub owners should consider a wooden platform for a good structural foundation. If built correctly, wood will last for a long time, keeping the outdoor Jacuzzi standing in place. However, wood may also absorb water and degrade if water spills from the tub.


Knowing the Outdoor Jacuzzi Dimensions is an essential factor before purchasing a Jacuzzi. Owners can now make better and more informed choices when buying an Outdoor Jacuzzi.

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