A small wood burning stove is a handy item for the people who often go camping, backpacking, and hunting. It provides you with a way of heating water, cooking food, and staying warm in the outdoors. These stoves are lightweight and super-portable. You can carry them in your backpack or a small bag. Here are some great small wood burning stoves that you can purchase for your trips.
Lixada Wood Burning Titanium Stove

Lixada Wood Burning Titanium Stove is an excellent choice for the buyers who want a small wood burning stove. It is made of titanium and is lightweight and extremely durable. The air vents provided on the three sides of the stove increase airflow for improving burning efficiency. A cross stand trivet provided on the top acts as a stable cooking platform for pots. You can use it for cooking meals in the outdoors. The camping stove can be disassembled and flattened for easy carrying and transportation. Lixada Wood Burning Stoves are available in different sizes as well as in stainless steel variants.
CANWAY Camping Stove, Wood Stove

CANWAY is a well-recommended product by the buyers of small wood burning stoves. Its compact size and collapsible design make it easy to carry and store. It is made of stainless steel and is lightweight. The 3-arm base provides support to pots for cooking while ensuring even heat distribution. You can use dry fuel, including wood, leaves, and branches, for cooking without the need for any additional chemicals. It can burn continuously for up to twenty minutes when using dry firewood and wood chips.
Überleben Stoker Flatpack Stove

Überleben Stoker Flatpack Stove is a popular small wood burning stove. It is made of five panels that can be disassembled into a flatpack of 6”x6” sheets for storing it. The stove weighs only 14.5 oz. and can be easily transported. It is constructed from food-grade stainless steel that is durable, strong, and stable. You can use the Überleben Stoker wood burning stove with different dry fuels. It is suitable for camping, backpacking and other outdoor activities.
Bushcraft Bushbox Titanium Outdoor Pocket Stove

Bushbox Titanium Pocket Stove from Bushcraft is another titanium option among small wood burning stoves. It is a small-sized stove that can be disassembled and flattened to fit into a bag pocket. The titanium construction of the stove makes it lightweight and sturdy. It comes with two trivets for placing a pot or pan for cooking. There are holes provided on the stove for optimum ventilation and improving burning efficiency. Bushcraft Bushbox pocket stoves are also available in large sizes and stainless steel versions.
Solo Stove Lite – Portable Camping Hiking and Survival Stove

Solo Stove Lite is one of the best small wood burning stoves that you can buy today. Its unique, patented design with a double wall improves burning efficiency and reduces smoke by facilitating secondary combustion. The stove is made from stainless steel and chrome wire and weighs only 9oz. You can boil one liter of water within ten minutes and can also use it for cooking. Solo Stove Lite is compact and can be easily carried along on camping and hiking trips.