Hot Tub Removal Denver


Hefty bills for heating and maintenance or lack of usage due to unpredictable weather like it is in Denver may push you to think of hot tub removal. It is not that simple an operation and it may be quite frustrating and more complicated than installing a hot tub.

There are several things you should think about before you decide to remove a hot tub from your home. Here are some of the questions you should ask yourself:

How big is your hot tub and where is it located?

Is it on a balcony, rooftop, or in the backyard?

Is there a gazebo standing over it?

Do you want to trash it away or just relocate it?

The type of hot tub will also influence its removal. Is it assembled in-ground, or above ground? Swim tubs could be really big and demand more working hours. Answering these questions may help you prepare for your hot tub removal.

No matter which tactic you pick to tackle your old hot tub removal you need to have a plan. Will you do it yourself, will you ask someone to help you or will you hire a company to do the job?

Hot Tub Removal DIY

If you decide to do it yourself, you have to know that you need certain tools and some skills. It is not that much work if you know how to do it.  The first thing to do is to drain your tub and disconnect it from electricity. An original instruction manual could be helpful to find out where the inner parts are located. Before you take out the inner parts of the tub you have to remove the hot tub skirt first. Maybe you will have to cut it with a tiger saw. The idea is to dismantle the heater and pump and all other components that can be removed, such as wiring and piping. For this job, you will probably need various screwdrivers and wrenches. Take out these components completely together with the insulating foam.

Use Propper Tools Otherwise It Will Take Forever To Remove It

The easiest way is to cut what is left into smaller pieces. Use a tiger saw for the job. It is proven to be the most effective to cut vinyl and other types of plastic that the hot tubs are usually made of. But be sure to use some quality blades for the saw. Size does matter here. Use 12 inches long blades and don’t skimp on them. Buy the quality ones. With a powerful tiger saw and quality blades used you will cut your old hot tub in a matter of minutes as if you were cutting butter. On the other hand with a saw not strong enough and inadequate blades, you may spend hours cutting your old hot tub and produce a lot of debris that you also have to take out. Make sure you have tools good enough for the job. Avoid battery-operated tiger saws as they can be drained out when you need them most and are not as powerful in general as old-school cable ones.

Hot Tub Removal Debris And What To Do With It

There will be a lot of debris to take out. You will certainly need a trailer or a pickup truck to load all the junk. Materials used for hot tubs are usually plastic, metal, and insulating foam. You can’t throw these away in a regular garbage disposal. You will have to take it to the local recycling center. This is the proper way to get rid of debris after hot tub removal. Some components of your old hot tub like a pump or heaters may be reused for some other projects. But only if you know what you are doing. If you are not a kind of handy person it is better not to tangle with these things because someone could get hurt. Anyway, some components could be reused if they are still operating. You can try to sell them on some kind of online flea market and cover the expenses you had for tools or renting a trailer. It is important that all of us start finding new purposes for things we don\’t need anymore and contribute to a cleaner and safer environment that way.

How To Relocate A Hot Tub

Here are some tips on what to do when you want to move your hot tub from one place to another as a part of a renovating project.

Is it worth relocating a hot tub for example if you want to give it to someone or to donate it?

How to move a hot tub to your new home? In cases like this, the simple cutting and demolition session we described above is out of the question.

When you want to relocate your hot tub you have to keep it functional. A job like this requires a team. Not just any team but the team of tub movers and tub technicians who are completely positive about how to do it. A team that has the expertise and knowledge of how to do it. You shouldn’t be alone in a project of relocating a hot tub. If you know exactly how to do it and have all the tools for the job and enough helping hands to haul away the tub, still many things can go wrong.

So the solution may be hiring professionals for the job. Yes, it comes with expenses but it is also a nice way to secure your relocating operation to be successful. There are many hot tub mover companies in Denver and its surroundings. Today you can find reviews of their previous customers on the internet. Reading these reviews will help you hire the right one. One that has enough manpower, expertise, and needed tools for the job. Serious hot tub movers often have customized trailers or pick-up tracks to load your hot tub and move it to your desired location. Also, they guarantee hot tub removal without any damages to your property or your tub. So you understand that is not just the removal you are paying for. With the right hot tub mover, you are safe from anything that can go wrong. They will give you a problem-free treatment. It is something that a hot tub is all about. Relaxation and enjoyment without any headache whether you are using or relocating your hot tub.

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