Purchasing a Hot tub is one of the fun things to do when one considers the benefits it presents. Even more important than buying a Tub is taking care of it. Removing Bromine High In Hot Tubs is an essential treatment for people who want their hot tub water to stay clean and fresh for long periods. When Bromine levels become too high in water, it can result in murky water and unpleasant odors.
Bromine and chlorine have almost similar functions. Tub owners use Bromine more often because of its performance in high-temperature water. The ideal level of Bromine in Spa water is 3-5ppm. If the levels exceed 5ppm, the Spa water chemistry is no longer healthy. This article clarifies everything Spa owners need to know about Bromine and its application in Hot Tubs.
What Is Bromine
Bromine is a chemical element on the periodic table, which at an ambient temperature, appears in liquid form. The outlook is usually a deep red, oily liquid. Tub owners using Bromine for treatment should be wary of its smell as it has a choking and irritating odor. Bromine is a halogen group member, and it occurs naturally in the form of salt in seawater and brines.
Bromine is the only non-metallic element that occurs as a liquid under ordinary conditions. It evaporates fast at a standard temperature and pressure, and its red vapor has an unpleasant odor that closely resembles that of chlorine. It is a water-soluble chemical, making it perfect for treating Tub water.
How To Get The Spa Water Ready For Bromine Treatment
Before using Bromine to treat spa water, the water must be flushed, drained, and refilled with fresh water. Furthermore, adding Sodium bromine will increase the levels of reserve bromide in the water, which will help the bromine to act faster. The following paragraph will highlight some simple steps to get the Spa water ready for bromine treatment.
Remove The Filters
Hot Tub owners should take the filters out and then clean them. The filters are removed by turning and pulling them upwards. Removing the filters will stop them from trapping any dirt or scum that might come out of the pipes. If the water filters are old, they should get cleaned to avoid contaminating the water after bromine treatment. Here are some good filters to pick from if the water filter needs a change
Flush The Spa
Flushing the Spa will break down and remove any dirt trapped in the pipes. Using a Spa line flush in the water, one should turn the jets on and allow the water to circulate for at least ten minutes. The cleaner will penetrate the insides of the pipes, breaking down dirt and sludge that may have built up in the pipes. The cause of the build-up is due to warm water being a perfect breeding condition for all kinds of bacteria and molds.
Below are some of the best Spa flushes.
Cover The Spa
After Flushing the Spa, the next step is to cover the spa using a tub cover and allow it to sit for 12-14 hours. Turn off the Jets and cover the top of the Spa to prevent further contaminants from getting in. It is advisable to wait for at least 12 hours to allow the line flush to act to its capacity. It is essential to note that no one can enter the tub while the line flush is in the water. Hot Tub owners looking for good Tub covers can check out the picks below.
Drain And Refill The Spa
After 12 hours, the Spa is drained and topped up with water. If there is a build-up of gunk residue at the bottom of the tub, it should get rinsed out with clean water. Some Spas come with an in-built pump that drains the water, while some come with a simple plug pulled to empty the spa of water.
Below are some excellent Spa plugs to pick from for those looking for replacements or new ones.
Place The Water Filter Back Into The Spa
When the tub is filled with water, place the filter back into the tub by pushing it down into the designated port and turning it slightly. Before placing back the filters, one should thoroughly clean them not to introduce contaminants into the clean water.
Test The Ph Level Of the Water
The final step in prepping the Spa water for bromine treatment is to test the Ph levels. Using a Ph test strip, check the status of acidity or alkalinity by dipping them into the water. Compare the color reaction to the color code on the test strip box. The spa water must be basic; it doesn\’t react with bromine. If the Ph levels of the water are low, using baking soda increases the Ph. However, if the Ph is high, muriatic acid will decrease it.
Below is some excellent test strip for Ph testing.
How To Deliver Bromine In Spa water
When used correctly, bromine effectively eliminates harmful substances and germs that cause illness in Spa water. It is less irritating on the skin when compared to chlorine, and it performs better in higher water temperatures. Hence, when conditions in the Hot tub begin to fluctuate, bromine will act as a sanitizer.
It is advisable to deliver bromine with caution to avoid High Bromine In Hot Tubs. High levels of Bromine will cause skin irritations and unpleasant smells. The following paragraph highlights some simple steps to deliver Bromine to spa water.
Add Bromide To The Water
To properly treat spa water with bromine, the water must have some bromine level present in the water. Pour the Sodium bromide into the water and administer as the packaging instructs.
The measurement for Bromide in Spa water is two ounces of Sodium bromide per 500 gallons of water.
Activate The Bromide With Shock Treatment
A spa shock treatment acts as a sanitizer in the water, activating the bromide ions into Bromine. After adding shock treatment, turning on the jets will circulate the treatment inside the Spa water. Wait for ten minutes for the treatment to be fully complete. It is advisable to cover the spa with a Tub Cover to prevent anyone from getting in during treatment. Also, keep kids away from the tub when treating because Bromine treatment is corrosive on the skin.
Test The Water With Bromine Test Strips
Ideally, Bromine levels in Spa water are between the ranges of 3-5ppm. To determine the degree of bromine, dip a test strip inside the water until there is a color change. The color code at the back of the package will help know if the Bromine levels are high or low.
If the Bromine levels are high, waiting for a day or two will ensure that the levels are now safe.
Use Of Bromide Tablets To Maintain The Bromine Level
After adding Bromide tablets to a floater, place the floater on top of the water. The Bromide Tablets will slowly dissolve, releasing Bromine into the Spa water. The released chemical will replace the lost Bromine. Bromine tablets are only advisable when the bromine levels are stable.
Some handy tips for raising bromine level in Spa water are;
- If the Bromine Level drops, adding an extra bromine tablet to the floater will raise it.
- Hot tub owners should follow the instructions at the back of the bromine packaging. Bromine is a powerful chemical and, if not used properly, can cause skin irritations.
Shock The Spa Every Week
Shocking Spa water regularly will keep the water from accumulating molds and bacteria in the pipelines. The shock treatment will also re-activate the bromide present in the water to boost the levels of Bromine.
Here are some excellent Spa shocks for Bromine treatment.
Causes Of High Chlorine And Bromine Level
The benefits of a great soak are immeasurable. Spas serve as a source of relaxation, comfort, and therapy to millions of users. However, enjoying all these becomes impossible if there are high Bromine levels in the water. High levels of Bromine occur when the water gets an overdose of the treatment.
The good news is that there are ways to avoid these effects if users adhere to the instructions of the bromine packaging. High Bromine or chlorine levels are capable of causing skin irritations. The following paragraph gives insight into why high Bromine levels are bad news.
Why High Bromine Is Bad News
High Bromine or chlorine can cause all sorts of issues with the Spa water.
Damage To Tub
When chlorine or Bromine levels are high, it will slowly eat away at the soft parts of the Hot tub. The degradation process will cause the tub to leak or even fall apart.
Murky Water
No one likes the pungent smell that chlorine gives off when it\’s in excess. The strong smell of chlorine can cause distress and lung issues when inhaled for too long. When Bromine and Chlorine accumulate, the water becomes pungent because of chloramines and Bronamines.
Health Concerns
High Bromine and Chlorine can cause issues to the health of the Spa user. When these chemicals are too high, Spa owners might begin to experience many problems like; irritated eyes, red eyes, itchy skin, and brittle hair.
Ph Level Decrease
Spa water can turn acidic when the sanitizers levels are high. Acidic water may cause issues to the skin of Tub users. Bromide tablets need to be applied cautiously to avoid a case of overdose. When the Ph levels of the water drop, the extra money will have to be spent to get the water back to normal levels.
Corrosive Effects
Not only will Ph levels drop, but high levels of sanitizers will also cause damage to the Spa equipment. Equipment like the filter, plumbing, and pipes might get rusted. These are all significant Tub equipment that will deal with financial setbacks to the Tub owner if they break down.
Testing Bromine Levels
Just like Ph testing Strips, there are Strips for testing Bromine. These Strips can be gotten off stores or bought online. To use the strip, tub owners should dip it into the tub water and allow it to sit for a while. The Strips will change color, which will indicate either high, low, or neural bromine levels. The Bromine level in Spa water is ideal when it\’s at 3-5ppm.
Adjusting Bromine Levels In Hot Tub
Tub owners should not panic when they discover their bromine levels have spiked. There are a few things to do that will fix the problem fast.
- One way to adjust the Bromine levels is to do nothing. One can easily wait it out instead of adding more doses of sanitizer. Naturally, the bromine levels should come down in 48 hours.
- The second approach is to drain the water and dilute it by refilling it with fresh water. The freshwater will naturally dilute any excess bromine in the Spa water.
- Hot Tub owners can also use a chlorine neutralizer. Chlorine neutralizers will reduce the free chlorine in the water. These neutralizers are made from Sodium thiosulfate. Chlorine neutralizers work well for chlorine and Bromine.
How Too Much Bromine Or Chlorine Can Hurt A Hot Tub
Hot Tub Materials are biodegradable. High Bromine or chlorine will eat away slowly at the soft parts and, over time, break them down. Hot Tub owners may start to notice leakages or holes in their tubs. Also, high levels of sanitizers might corrode the equipment in the Spa. Equipment like pumps, pipes, and filters will break down if exposed to continuous high levels of Bromine/Chlorine.
How To Prevent High Levels Of Chlorine Or Bromine In The Hot Tub
High levels of Bromine and Chlorine are primarily caused by overdosing. To prevent the adverse effects of overdosing, one must always read and follow the instructions on the package. The instructions tell the appropriate measurement per gallon of water. As a general rule, two ounces of Sodium bromide will go into 500 gallons of water.
How To Lower The Sanitizer Levels In A Hot Tub
Often, Tub owners will have to increase sanitizer levels rather than lower them. However, there are occasions when the sanitizer levels are too high and need a decrease. One can just let their spa water \”manually reset\” itself by doing nothing.
Adding more sanitizers might make it worse. So, it\’s advisable not to add any more doses and let the water sit for two days. After 48 hours, the sanitizer levels should have returned to normal levels, and tub owners can then go back to enjoying their Spas.
Final Thoughts
Nothing disrupts the enjoyment of a nice soak than the strong disagreeable smell of chlorine. Thankfully, Bromine High In Hot Tubs is treatable with easy-to-get chemicals and sanitizers.