All Clear Spa Chemicals


Having an outdoor spa guarantees you a lot of relaxing moments in hot bubbling water with your family and friends. Without a proper quality of water, something that is meant to be ultimate joy and relaxation can easily turn into an unpleasant experience and even a potential health hazard. You need to keep your spa water in the chemical balance in order for it to be safe for use. There are various products from various companies in the market made for this purpose. All Clear is a company providing chemicals for the complete maintenance of your spa, pool, or hot tub. This article will present you with several All Clear spa chemicals that are extremely efficient and simple to use. There is a whole line of products from All Clear designed for spa maintenance to keep water in your spa clear fresh and safe to use.

All Clear Pool And Spa Sanitizer 56

Sanitizer keeps your water clean, clear, and safe from bacteria and any other pathogens that can contaminate your spa water. All Clear spa sanitizer is a granulated chlorine-based solution suitable for use for regular care, everyday bacteria, and algae control in your spa. This reliable sanitizer can be used used for super chlorination after several days of using the spa. It is also effectively used for a start-up to bring chlorine residual to 1-1.5 ppm in clean water with no visible algae. To have All Clear sanitizer work properly in your spa maintain the pH of the water between 7.2 and 7.6 and total alkalinity between 125 and 175 ppm.

It is very important to follow up on the instructions in order to add the right amount of sanitizer when needed. You have to know how many gallons of water your spa holds, so you can calculate the correct amount of sanitizer to add for different purposes. All Clear Pool And Spa Sanitizer 56 is granulated and easy to use. you just scatter the granules over the surface of the water. It is a very efficient product that will quickly sanitize or shock water in your outdoor spa.

Stay cautious when using this sanitizer. Like any chlorine-based product, it is harmful if swallowed or inhaled, causes severe skin burns and eye damage. It is also toxic to aquatic life. Therefore, you should use this product responsibly. Make sure you never discharge effluent containing this product into lakes, ponds, rivers, estuaries, or oceans.

All Clear Brominating Tablets

Bromine Tablets from All Clear are approximately 1 inch in diameter. It is a very effective sanitizer and the first option for spa owners who want to have an odorless smell around their spas. Bromine is known as an excellent sanitizer that is as efficient as chlorine but it doesn’t have the odor that is so characteristic of chlorine. It has to be used in a floating or automatic dispenser. The product can be purchased in a pack of 5 or 15 libras.

This product has to be used cautiously and responsibly because it can be hazardous and harmful if it comes in contact with your eyes, skin, and clothes. Also, if the product is swallowed you should call the poison control center for advice or treatment.

All Clear Algae Kill

The best way to prevent algae from flourishing in your spa, hot tub, or pool is to properly maintain the quality of the water. Nevertheless, it is not uncommon for algae to appear especially in the hot water of your spa or hot tub. Algae kill is an extremely efficient stabilized tri-Chlor compound with 90% available chlorine.

You have to be extremely careful when using All Clear Algae Kill because it may start a violent reaction leading to fire and even explosion if come in contact with other chemicals. If used in a dispenser, double-check for remnants of other chemicals that may be found in the dispenser. It is crucial that the dispenser is clean, otherwise, Algae Kill may be harmful when in contact with other chemicals. Before use, adjust the water pH to 7.2-7.6 and turn off the filter and wait till the water is calm. To achieve the best results brush the algae spots with a stiff bristle. Add All Clear Algae Kill to your spa water. One pound of Algae Kill is enough for 4000 gallons of water, therefore you have to know the capacity of your spa.

Algae Kill can be used for super chlorination as well. Remember, do not reenter your spa until the chlorine level drops under 3ppm.

It is available in 2lb, 6lb, 16lb, and 50lb package sizes. 

All Clear Soda Ash

Having the right level of chemicals in your spa is essential for your enjoyment. It is also a matter of your safety. Low pH level means that the water in your spa is overly acidic which can cause eyes, nose, and skin irritation for people in the water. Also, it can damage your pipes in your spa and make plaster stains that no one wants to see in a hot tub, spa, or pool.

All Clear Soda Ash is granular 100% sodium carbonate that will increase the pH level in your spa quickly and efficiently without any residues left. This is an easy solution to keep pH level in your spa in the desired range between 7.2 and 7.8. It is important to test the water in your spa, hot tub, or pool before you use it. The best way to do it is to use test strips. If the test strip shows a low pH level All Clear Soda Ash is the problem solver. Of course, always read the instructions on how to use it, which amount is necessary to bring the pH level within a safe to use range.

Soda Ash comes in convenient packages of 2lb, 5lb, and 10lb. 

 Other All Clear Spa Chemicals For Your

All Clear manufactures all the products you may need to maintain the quality of the water in your spa. Some of the products you will use more often, but that is not a problem because each All Clear product comes in a variety of package sizes.

In the beginning, it may be confusing for you how to use these products. But after some time you will learn how to use them according to your spa capacity. Remember to maintain pH value and alkalinity level within ranges that are required for your safety. Alkalinity increaser and alkalinity decreaser, as well as pH increaser and pH decreaser, are the products that are really important to learn how to use because the pH value and the alkalinity influence the efficiency of chemicals used for sanitation and oxidation of the water in your spa water.

Don’t forget to test your water before every use of your spa and act accordingly if the level of the chemicals is imbalanced. The best way is to use test strips. This is required in order to be safe in your spa. Otherwise, you may harm yourself and turn a moment that should be pure enjoyment into an unpleasant disaster.

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