48’’ Above Ground Pool


The popularity of 48’’ above ground pools is huge. Since the pandemic started, almost two years ago, the demand for above-ground pools soared and it is still extremely high. With so many vacations canceled and community pools closed or having limited access due to pandemic measures, having an above ground backyard pool may be a game-changer. You can use it for relaxation, exercise or games. With all those floats and boats, kids can play all day long. It can be the place where the family gathers and most important has fun and a good time. But before you decide to enrich your backyard with a 48’’ aboveground pool you should read this article and find out how to achieve pure enjoyment of having a backyard above ground pool.

With an above-ground pool in your backyard, a whole new world opens. You will have many activities there, all of them enjoyable, pleasurable, and fun. Just imagine having a morning swim exercise before you leave for a long workday. Having a drink or reading a book by the pool in your favorite sunbed sounds like a completely new lifestyle. Kids love above ground pools, no matter what age they are. They will enjoy it for the whole season. Teenagers will probably bring friends too, but that is not such a bad idea. At least you will know where they spend their free time.

How To Choose Above Ground Pool

There are four basic depths of above ground pools, 42 inches, 48 inches, 52 inches, and 54 inches. The most common and most functional is the one 48 inches deep. Also, they can be oval and round. Each variety has its benefits, but choosing a proper above-ground pool for your backyard takes more than just picking the one that you like. 

The size matters

In order to pick the right above ground pool, you have to take several factors into consideration. The most important is how big your backyard is or how big the room where you want to place your pool is. You will probably have to do some landscaping and level the surface where the pool will be placed. You will need solid, firm ground underneath your pool. It could be sand or vermiculite. An above ground pool holds a huge amount of water that can be very heavy. The weight of your pool is the reason why you have to place it on a firm nicely leveled ground, away from sloping hillsides.

The size of the pool depends on the size of your backyard. Be aware and check the regulations for installing an above-ground pool in your municipality. You will have to set a safety fence around your pool. Follow the ground rules, do not set your pool within 8 to 10 feet away from any property line. Also, the pool has to be at least ten feet away from the house walls. You might need a permit if your pool together with the around deck exceeds a certain surface.

Oval or round 48” above ground pool?

Both shapes have their benefits. An oval-shaped pool will fit better if your yard is longer than it is wide. It is also more convenient for exercise, swimming and games like volleyball with family and friends. On the other hand, it is generally more expensive to build an oval 48” above ground pool than a round one. Of course, the total cost depends on several factors, the size of the pool being the one that forms the price the most. Round pools are easier to install because they do not require buttress support. With a pair or two of helping hands, you can do it yourself. Buttresses can take another 3 feet of space along straight sides of an oval pool. But, don’t worry, there is a buttress-free system that has been developed lately that takes no more than 1 foot around an oval pool.

Who is going to swim

Another important factor when choosing an above ground pool is who is going to use it. Ovals are much more convenient to swim laps in. If you like to have half an hour of swim every morning, an oval pool with 30 feet on the longer side is the right choice. If you want to install an above-ground pool for your kids and their friends they will be perfectly happy with a round pool that is only 15 feet in diameter. When it comes to kids, it is much more important to have all those pool toys, floats, and balls than some big fancy pool.

If you have small children or pets you will need certain safety features. A good solution is a water surface alarm that warns you when the water surface is broken. An alarm like this can be literally a lifesaver if your child or a pet unintentionally falls into the pool. A fence around the pool is required by many municipalities. So it may be the case that you have to put one around your pool whether it be an above-ground or in-ground pool. No matter who uses the pool, you will need a ladder for the above-ground pool just to make sure no one gets hurt when entering or exiting the pool. An over for the pool is also a very handy feature that will prevent small animals, insects, or leaves from falling in your pool when the pool is not in use. This means fewer cleaning hours so you may consider a pool cover an investment.

The deck is equally important

Building a pool deck is a simple way to upgrade the enjoyment of your 48” above-ground pool and to make it more accessible. It is also a nice way to make a unique atmosphere for your family and friends. Sunbeds and deck chairs will change your pool deck into the ultimate lounge space. Even if you are not so keen on swimming or sunbathing, a pool deck could be a great place to have a drink with friends or read a book.

There are a few very pragmatic reasons to build a deck around your pool. You and your guests will enter the pool via the deck and bring less dirt into the pool. This will keep your pool cleaner and your filtration system will not have to operate as much. It is also much safer than climbing a ladder to enter the pool. Last but not least to mention, a deck around your 48” above ground pool will increase the value of your house and yard. The deck will transform your above ground pool in the backyard into an oasis where your family and friends would love to spend their time. You will have a spot in your backyard where everyone would love to have a break and get some refreshments.

Pandemic And 48” Above Ground Pool

The pandemic has caused a great demand for above ground pools as consumers decided to cocoon at home while vacations are canceled worldwide, and the access to public pools, spas, and aquaparks is restricted. Retailers and manufacturers are reporting enormous demand that caused the shortage of swimming pools in stores, but also the lack of components and materials from which they are made. Pumps, filters, composite walls, and all the gear and equipment used for above-ground pools, all of them are sold out. It is something that has not been surpassed in this industry for decades.

The bottom line is that you have to get in the queue and be patient. It could take months before your above ground pool is delivered. In a situation like this, it is wise to choose exactly what you need to make your private oasis for many days to come. Buy quality materials and components, you will have to wait for them to be delivered anyway. So buy proven products with good reviews, you might have to wait for them to be delivered for another week or two, but it is certainly worth it. Don’t try to save money on important parts for your pool like water liner, poles, and filtrating system. You don’ want to regret it later and have any kind of technical difficulties when using your pool. Your above ground pool should be a spot for enjoyment and relaxation in your backyard, not a reminder that you spent thousands of dollars on something that is giving you a headache now, just because your water liner is wrinkled and the water pump and filters are not powerful enough to keep water in your pool clean. 

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